Alcohol Problem in the US Army
Alcohol Problem in the US Army
Alcohol Problem in the US Army
In the Army, there are a variety of capabilities and performances that can be analyzed.
One issue that could be analyzed is the Army's ability to communicate across different units
effectively. A variety of theories and concepts can be applied to this issue, such as the theory of
planned behavior, the theory of reasoned action, and the theory of communicative action. For the
Army to effectively communicate across units, individuals within the Army need to have the
discretion to communicate effectively. This can be achieved through various means, such as
training, education, and incentives. For the Army to effectively communicate across units,
individuals within the Army need to believe that effective communication is essential and that
effective communication is possible. This can be achieved through various means, such as
training, education, and incentives. The paper addresses the historical context of the alcohol
problem, the problem and the causes, solutions, and a conclusion.
Historical Content
In the United States Army, alcohol problems have been a persistent issue. While the
Army has tried to address the issue, alcohol problems continue. In the early 1990s, the Army
implemented the Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP), which was designed to address
alcohol and drug abuse among soldiers. The program included education, prevention activities,
treatment, and rehabilitation services. Despite the implementation of ASAP, alcohol problems
have continued to occur in the Army. In 2001, the Army conducted a study that found 11% of
soldiers were heavy drinkers, and 3% of soldiers were binge drinkers (Seelig et al., 2017). The
study discovered that deployed soldiers were more likely to drink heavily than those who were
not. The Army has taken steps to address the issue of alcohol abuse among soldiers.
In 2011, the Army implemented a new policy limiting the number of alcohol soldiers
could purchase while on base. The policy was designed to reduce the number of alcohol soldiers
had access to and discourage binge drinking. In 2013, the Army implemented a new policy
requiring soldiers to complete an alcohol education program before deployment (Stein et al.,
2017). The policy is designed to educate soldiers about alcohol abuse risks and encourage them
to make responsible decisions about drinking. The Army continues to work on addressing the
issue of alcohol abuse among soldiers. In 2015, the Army implemented a new policy requiring
soldiers to complete an alcohol education program before deployment (Seelig et al., 2017). The
policy is designed to educate soldiers about alcohol abuse risks and encourage them to make
responsible decisions about drinking.
The misuse of alcohol is a major problem in the US Army. According to a recent study,
nearly one in four soldiers surveyed reported drinking alcohol while on duty in the past year.
This is a significant increase from the previous year and is a cause for concern. There are several
reasons why soldiers may be turning to alcohol. Some may be trying to cope with the stress of
deployment, while others may be bored or lonely (Bartone, 2020). The constant deployments,
separations from family, and the dangerous nature of the job can all lead to high-stress levels.
When soldiers are under a lot of stress, they may turn to alcohol to cope. Additionally, soldiers
have easy access to alcohol, often free or at a meager cost. This makes it easy for soldiers to
drink excessively without worrying about the financial cost (Stein et al., 2017). The culture of
drinking in the Army can also contribute to alcoholism. Drinking is often seen as a way to relax
and unwind after a long day; however, it can lead to soldiers drinking more than they should,
leading to risky behaviors such as drinking while on duty.
Alcohol abuse is a major problem in the Army because it leads to several other problems.
First, it increases the risk of injury. Drunk soldiers are more likely to get hurt or even killed in
combat. Second, it decreases the effectiveness of the soldiers (Bartone et al., 2017). A drunk
soldier is not as effective in combat as a sober soldier. Third, and perhaps most importantly,
alcohol abuse leads to problems with discipline. When soldiers are drunk, they are more likely to
disobey orders and get into fights (Stein et al., 2017). This can lead to severe problems in the
Army, and it can even get soldiers killed. The Army is taking steps to try to reduce the problem
of alcohol abuse, but it is a difficult task. The best way to reduce the problem is to try to
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