School to prison pipeline; youth criminalization

School to prison pipeline; youth criminalization

School to Prison Pipeline: Youth Criminalization


The school-to-prison pipeline refers to policies that ensure the education system and the
general public are safe from student harm. This aspect creates a lot of push into the legal system,
where students are exposed to the standards and regulations of punitive measures. Zero-tolerance
disciplinary policies create platforms that send students into the pipeline where legal action is
sometimes taken. The policies are developed to improve the systems and create a better
environment. However, not much can be performed or done because of the rising push and
demands for legal actions. It is an environment with a lot of exposure to the students as they are
led through a series of measures to tame their behavior. Expulsion may never be a better way to
handle a crime, and the necessary traits required should follow an exact channel. Much can be
done to ensure everything is balanced or created effectively. The need arises because of the
disproportionate number of students facing the set policy requirements. Schools have turned the
system into a different form of exposure, making the system bend in multiple ways. They have
created a different outlook on what to expect in schools because of color and disability
Racism has been seen on many platforms, and it creates a lot of challenges for children. It
creates a lot of instability in character and participatory characteristics. It is the leading cause of
many issues and challenges because of the rising need to create better and more improved
systems. Children of color have been in danger and harm because of what the environment
presents. They have been in several and multiple stages of development, having an outstanding
pull to the legal system measures. The aspect of racism has created disproportionality because,

through the existing punishments, the children are considered different. The aspect of using
established principles to torture children is bent on destroying children of color. They face the
measures and are exposed to the justice system early. The challenge involves being prosecuted
and sent to the juvenile system for minor issues and challenges. They may never understand the
sequence of activities and steps, making them in a relatively dangerous position. It is never late
to handle people with the required justice, making it necessary to go to the roots of everything
and develop the required information.
Children require a collective care system that improves their lives and engagement
policies. It is a system that creates the push into the surviving traits. Understanding the school-to-
prison pipeline policies is a good way to introduce certain measures and principles. It creates an
effective aspect of engagement and public responsibility. These aspects have been seen to create
negative impacts because children of color and those with disability are not handled the same
way. They are taken as different, and they face the arm of the justice system. It creates a push
into a different level of engagement and practice. Therefore, much is kept in the dark, and what
was created to benefit all is transformed to challenge and create more harm. It has become a
platform for racism and youth criminalization. The study is necessary to give the right tips on the
relationship and the trends introduced to ensure nothing is created in a position that may not be
stable. Creating better and more improved systems is necessary to define the right action and
steps. The disproportionality negatively impacts the entire society because it creates an active
platform for youth criminalization.
Key Words: Student to Prison Pipeline, Zero tolerance, racism, Punitive measures, Children of
color, Youth criminalization.


Annotated Bibliography

Aldridge, S. (2018). Criminalization and discrimination in schools: The effects of zero tolerance
policies on the school-to-prison pipeline for black girls. Aisthesis: Honors Student
Journal, 9(2), 1-7.
Zero-tolerance policies are not common to all because they create loopholes for a
different outlook. The system presents a different outlook on criminalization in schools.
Black girls can be considered samples in the sampling approach, where desired results are
indicated directly. This approach records the right information about youthful
criminalization and its possible effects on the entire population. The journal proves the
effects directly.
Aronowitz, S. V., Kim, B., & Aronowitz, T. (2021). A mixed-studies review of the school-to-
prison pipeli

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